Our Member of Parliament
Mark Spencer (See adjacent profile or click here to go to his website)
Sherwood Conservative Association is responsible for campaigning in the local area and supporting Mark Spencer MP. It is made up of a number of groups and Branches. The structure and some key contacts can be found here.
The best way to contact 'The Association' is to email admin@sherwoodconservatives.com or by phone on 01159654867.
The Association
Chairman - Scott Carlton- admin@sherwoodconservatives.com - marked FAO Chairman
Dep. Chairman Political - Stuart Bestwick
Deputy Chairman Membership - Jane Walker
Treasurer - Claire Spencer (admin@sherwoodconservatives.com)
Secretary - Belinda Kalka - admin@sherwoodconservatives.com
Officers - Cllr Rhona Holloway, Cllr Martin Smith and Cllr Lorraine Brown
Hon. President - Cllr Bruce Laughton
Hon. Vice President - Shirley Robbins
Hon. Vice President - Lord Simon Murray
We are lucky to be represented on the different councils in Sherwood by a number of brilliant Councillors. You can find out more about our elected representatives by clicking here.