Stop the Bilsthorpe Incinerator

For a number of months now, there has been a threat of a planning application being made to Nottinghamshire County Council for an incinerator to be constructed at Bilsthorpe. The perspective applicant is Vital Energi. The attached image is an artists impression of what the incinerator could look like.

Like many residents that we have already spoken to, we are AGAINST this proposal. If it goes ahead, it will put our local countryside and environment at risk from pollution. Furthermore, the proposal risks 100's of additional lorries being added to our local roads and we know incinerators discourage recycling, when we should be recycling more. 

To be clear, at the time of writing this campaign post, no formal planning application has yet been made. However it is expected that a planning application will be submitted shortly. When the planning application is received by the county council, we need to be ready to fight it. 

But we need your help! Please do let us know your thoughts on the proposal, so we can be sure we are fighting for the things that matter to you. 




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